Ashley Collins
My love for music began at a young age. Beginning with my first piano lesson at age 8, I have increased my musical knowledge and skills through many years of training in piano, guitar, and voice. In high school I started giving music lessons, then went on to receive a Bachelor of Arts in Music from San Diego Christian College, and have since grown my private studio into a flourishing business. I hope to foster a relationship of trust with my students that gives them a deep sense of value and at the same time instills musical knowledge and skills that they can enjoy for their whole lives. Aside from teaching, my experiences include being an accompanist, performing in ensembles and working in local church music ministries. It is one of my greatest and most fulfilling privileges to lead worship and develop united teams of unique individuals that provide opportunities for authentic encounters with God. Finally, for occasions such as weddings and funerals, I aim to provide beautiful music to complement each setting.
I live with my fabulous husband, rambunctious boys and sweetest little girl in San Diego, California and give lessons from my home studio. Please contact me with any questions or inquiries.